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In this webinar the Tax Faculty investigate the incentives, benefits, risks and pitfalls for businesses operating in Freeports.

On Budget day 2021 the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announced eight new Freeports around England due to commence operating later this year.

Based around sea and airports from the Thames to Teesside, they were heralded by the Chancellor as a major contributor to the rebalancing of the economy and regeneration of underdeveloped areas.

Other Freeports may arrive in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland soon, but what are they and how do they help local businesses and the surrounding economy?

Join Richard Jones and Frank Haskew of ICAEW's Tax Faculty as they investigate the valuable tax incentives and customs benefits available to businesses operating in Freeports, as well as the risks and pitfalls that businesses should watch out for.

Live broadcast 12 August 2021

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